The Inclusion of Aboriginal Voices in Co-constructing “Home”: Aboriginal Homelessness in a Northern Semi-urban Community in Manitoba
November 20, 2015 | Authored by: Marleny M. Bonnycastle, Maureen Simpkins, Annette Siddle
Dominant approaches to homelessness often exclude the voices of those without a home, when solutions are designed. We argue that attempts to develop meaningful and long-term initiatives without including the voices of homeless people run the risk of fa …
Grant: Partnering for Change: Community-Based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty - 2012-2019
Category: Housing and Neighbourhood Revitalization
Poor Housing: A Silent Crisis
October 21, 2015 | Authored by: | Edited by: Jim Silver, Josh Brandon
Across Canada, there is a severe shortage of decent quality housing that is affordable to those with low incomes, and much of the housing that is available is inadequate, even appalling. The poor condition of housing for those below the poverty line ad …
Grant: Partnering for Change: Community-Based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty - 2012-2019
Category: Housing and Neighbourhood Revitalization
Fast Facts: New Federal Government: Opportunity to End Crisis of Poor Housing
October 21, 2015 | Authored by: Josh Brandon
For Winnipeg residents with low incomes, the lack of affordable quality housing is a crisis. With a potential partner at the federal level, the possibility for progress exists, but housing activists must redouble their efforts to put end poor housing i …
Grant: Partnering for Change: Community-Based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty - 2012-2019
Category: Housing and Neighbourhood Revitalization
Addressing Core Housing Need in Canada
October 1, 2015 | Authored by: Ian Skelton, Sarah Cooper
Social housing is at risk in Canada. Just a few decades ago, Canada had an internationallyrecognized social housing portfolio, but today the supply of public, nonprofit and cooperative housing is in a downward spiral. As a result, over a million low-in …
Grant: Partnering for Change: Community-Based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty - 2012-2019
Category: Housing and Neighbourhood Revitalization
Fast Facts: Meeting the Housing Needs of Aboriginal People Moving to Winnipeg
December 5, 2014 | Authored by: Josh Brandon, Evelyn Peters
Winnipeg can only succeed if the Aboriginal people of this city find success. Ensuring that equal access to housing is available for Aboriginal people should be a priority for all levels of government and all citizens in Winnipeg.
Grant: Partnering for Change: Community-Based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty - 2012-2019
Category: Housing and Neighbourhood Revitalization