Author(s): Leah McDonnell, Josie Lavoie, Andy Wood, Derek Kornelson, Jaime Cidro, Linda Manoakeesick
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For both First Nations and non-First Nations peoples living in rural and remote areas, accessing diagnostic health services and treatment often requires traveling long distances, and in some cases, relocating to an urban centre for a few weeks or months, or at times permanently. By relocating, patients seek access to life saving, or at least quality of life maintaining, interventions. Although health interventions may be beneficial and necessary to an individual’s health, there are several factors surrounding medical relocation that can negatively affect a person’s well-being and health status. First Nations peoples’ experiences in the healthcare system are different than nonFirst Nations people, as many experience varying levels of discrimination and racism, policy-related barriers to access services, and inequitable access to treatments. To better understand the realities of First Nations community members experiencing medical relocation, we interviewed 30 First Abstract Nations people from Northern Manitoba who had relocated to Winnipeg for medical reasons, or their caregivers.

Grant: Partnering for Change: Community-Based Solutions for Aboriginal and Inner-City Poverty - 2012-2019
Category: Housing and Neighbourhood Revitalization