Author(s): Shauna MacKinnon, Ray Silvius
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The general thrust of this report is the idea that the Labour Market Intermediary (LMI) is conceived of as a central manager of networks of CBOs, government and employers. It requires dedicated personnel. It must be highly visible and well connected to the communities(s) in question. It can be successful by leveraging the contribution, training opportunities, programs and expertise of partners. The partnerships involved in establishing the LMI should be co-ordinated, consistent and complementary in focus. Organizations must see value in participating in the structure, as it offers an opportunity for their clients to benefit from a broader range of services and programs. An LMI is not meant to be an impediment or threat to organizations, their funding, and their existing programs. A range of services is required in order to successfully transition multi-barriered individuals with little to no employment history into meaningful employment. A successful LMI would have to either directly or indirectly offer these services. We envision a governance structure that is driven by participating CBOs, employers and relevant labour unions. The LMI must be seen as complementary to these organizations’ existing programs and having the capacity to enhance their work. The LMI is best conceived of as an institution that enhances and does not detract from the work and existing programming of CBOs.

Grant: Transforming Inner-city and Aboriginal Communities - 2007-2012
Category: Education, Training, and Capacity Building