Between October 21-25th, 2013, visitors from Albania, El Salvador, Italy and Mexico and students from the University of Manitoba’s Asper Business School Master in Business Administration explored a number of ongoing experiences that are successfully addressing different dimensions of poverty in Winnipeg’s inner city and on First Nations Reserves in Manitoba and engaged in lively discussions with the institutional and community leaders of these initiatives. The week concluded with the annual Manitoba gathering of the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet-MB) where international participants’ presented their own experiences of local economic development and social inclusion during three dedicated workshops. The study tour was organized jointly by the Winnipeg international laboratory on urban development and poverty reduction and by the Universitas Programme of the KIP International School. It was the first concrete activity of the international laboratory, based on an agreement signed in March 2013 by the Province of Manitoba, the Universities of Manitoba and Winnipeg, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (Manitoba), the Canadian Community Economic Development Network – Manitoba, Ma Mawi Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc., the Community Education Development Association and the KIP International School. Click here to see the final report of the study tour